Grace Campbell is on heat Le République - Grande Salle Affiche

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Le République - Grande Salle, 75003 Paris

Grace Campbell is on heat

Le République, Paris

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Mick Perrin Worldwide presents : Grace Campbell is on heat

About to enter her 30s, Campbell has recently made some huge life changes. She got a dog, she stopped replying to internet trolls, she tried non-monogamy, and then very soon after celibacy. Grace has been on a journey to find out who she wants to be as a grown up.

In her brand new show the unwaveringly honest comedian will ask big questions about the world, her vagina, and her obsession with making her dog her entire brand...

Bound to be fiery, unhinged, but also, a more mature Campbell, which no one has ever seen before.

As seen on BBC, Channel 4, Comedy Central & Dave.

"Destined to become famous just about everywhere" - Chortle 1/2
"No holds barred" - Metro
"Hysterically hilarious woman who doesn't take herself too seriously" - Entertainment Now

Age rating 16+

Artiste(s) : Grace Campbell

Evénement proposé par AS PROD - 2-1119614

Pour un Public adulte de 16 ans jusqu'à 90 ans

One Woman Show

Langue : Anglais
Durée : 70 minutes soit 01h10

Evénements associés :

Kostia dans Entre deux
Yvette Leglaire dans Never Morte
Nadia Roz dans La Fille du 7ème
Zize dans Irrézizetible
Thaïs dans Fille de joie
Lucie Carbone dans Jour de fête
Noémie Bousquainaud dans Coucou les moches
Cyrielle Knoepfel dans Trop tard !?
Mélodie Fontaine dans Nickel
Sophia Aram dans Le monde d'après