Créations pour quatuors à cordes Théâtre de l'Ile Saint-Louis Paul Rey Affiche
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18h30 21h00
Créations pour quatuors à cordes
du mardi 22 avril 2025
au mardi 22 avril 2025

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Créations pour quatuors à cordes

Théâtre de l'Ile Saint-Louis Paul Rey, Paris

Des quatuors à cordes en création jouées par le très célebre NeoQuartet de Gdansk (Pologne).

Quatuors à cordes de Pape (création mondiale), Flammer (création mondiale), Krauze (création mondiale), Quell (création française), Rataj (création française), Kozena (création française) et Dobrzynski (création française).

NeoQuartet is Polish string quartet focused on performing contemporary classical music.
We are passionate about art and contemporary music. We love to create, play concerts, think outside the box, challenge existing dogmas. We enormously value the possibilities of collaboration with various artists and ensuing mutual inspiration. We are fascinated by making bonds with audience, jumping to other dimensions and catching new perspectives of looking into the world.
Outstanding energy, full commitment, freedom of expression and creation of new developmental paths – these are the main features of NeoQuartet. NeoQuartet is one of the most interesting, engaging and action-oriented ensembles of contemporary music in Europe. It is a Prize-Winner of prestigious Pomeranian Artistic Award. The ensemble was also nominated to numerous other prizes (Sztorm Roku, Fryderyki). Quartet has recorded 12 CDs released by Polish, German, Greek,, and American labels.
Since 2017, NeoQuartet expanded its instrumental spectrum with electric midi string violins, viola and cello plus synthesizers and loopers beginning with this purchase new, unique musical phenomenon throughout the world. In 2022 first CD with NeoQuartet's own compositions was released. String Theory album will chart new musical territories of string quartet development in 21st century.
NeoQuartet plays concerts in Poland and abroad. From 2012 to 2021 the ensemble performed over 500 concerts almost in every corner of the world (21 countries) including prestigious concert halls of Carnegie Hall in New York and Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing.
NeoQuartet consists of: Karolina Piatkowska-Nowicka (1st Violin), Pawel Kapica (2nd Violin), Michal Markiewicz (Viola), and Krzysztof Pawlowski (Cello).
The ensemble is the organizer of their own festival called NeoArte Synthesizer of Arts Festival held unceasingly in Gdansk, Poland from 2012.

Prochaine Séance disponible:
Mardi 22 Avr. 2025 à 18h30

Pour Tout public jusqu'à 90 ans

Musique classique

Langue : Français
Durée : 70 minutes soit 01h10

Théâtre de l'Ile Saint-Louis Paul Rey
Théâtre (~ 80 places)
39 Quai d'Anjou
75004   Paris
Plan d'Accès

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Région : Paris - Ile de France - (75)

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